I was talking to my aunt today on the phone and she mentioned "the fire she was in". I didn't recall ever hearing about it so I asked, "What fire?" From there she told me about the devastating tragity. The fire at her school in 1958. She told me about her best friend Joanie and how she had died that day. She told me about the children who had jumped and been pushed from windows. She, like many others, said that she still to this day, wherever she goes, looks for the fire escape. Theatres, churches, etc. I felt a lot of sadness and disbeleif as she told me about it. I asked questions and she answered them. I could tell it still saddens her. She mentioned that it was on the internet and that I could find it f I searched for it. I didn't know the the degree of publicity and devastation it caused, until I looked it up. I cried as I looked at the photos, and read the story. Read stories of survivors, and stories of the victim's loved ones. I think it is wonderful that this site has been created for those touched by this horrible occurance. I have been on this website for 4 hours now, and cannot fathom how awful it must have been to experience. God Bless you. With Love,
Kari Morrissey