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Our Lady of the Angels (OLA) School Fire, December 1, 1958

Personal Experiences with Our Lady of the Angels School Fire

If you have a personal experience, recollection or opinion about the December 1, 1958 Our Lady of the Angels school fire, whether you were present at the fire or not, you can relate it here. Any story or information is welcome as long as it relates to Our Lady of the Angels school fire.
Click here to add your OLA fire experience.        

Posted by: a fan of Michele McBride's book On: 12/1/2008 ID: 417
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before suburbs of Chicago
Michele's book brought alive for me an event that reached all the way to the northwest suburbs where my family relocated to from inner city Chicago's west side in 1958.

I shared her book with many friends. As with other tragic 1st hand accounts, while reading her book, I felt the horror of watching her friend disintegrate into flames.

Her recollection of the psychological phenomenon of shock to survivors, victims and their families and what was earlier that day a solid faith bound community now wracked will live in my heart.

Survivors she intoned are considered courageous. Michele taught me she was not a hero by volition.

The brands of her father's cuff links, the design of small clocks forever marked her wrists. The picture of her with a dog and all her challenges fresh in my memory from her 1979 publication.

I was sorry to learn of her passing in 2001 though glad she did not live to be further traumatized by events of 9/11. I'm glad to find this website to say to her, all who find this site and all who were directly involved, we who watched you, grieve deeply.

Posted by: Emily On: 12/1/2008 ID: 416
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No After n/a
Although I was not alive at the time of this terrible tragedy, I have heard about it from my parents, who were. I wll always remember the Our Lady of the Angels fire and it's 95 victims. I know they are in heaven, because if anyone makes it to Heaven it is children and the wonderful Sisters. May God bless the family and friends of those who died and give them peace and comfort on this 50th anniversary. Know that your precious loved ones will never be forgotten. God bless you all.

Posted by: Gina La Joie-Nichols On: 11/30/2008 ID: 415
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No After n/a
My parents have always told me the story of the tragic fire. I have seen it documented on channel 11 over the years my parents were 10 and 9 at the time and lived near by. I am only 35 years old with two kids of my own i can't even imagine the heartach that went on that day. my thoughts and prayers go out to the familes that have to deal with the pain that happened so long ago but will never be forgotten.

Posted by: maw On: 11/30/2008 ID: 414
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Oak Park, IL
I was a 7th grade student at Ascension School in Oak Park. I still vividly remember the night of December 1, 1958. We all huddled around our TV (black and white!) listening to the horror of the day. Because I attended a Catholic school, I felt an affinity to the students who died in the fire. We were all Catholic school students, after all! We were a community, and we felt the loss as if it were one of us. All of my peers could relate to the grim news. To this day, at age 62, I can remember that night as if it were yesterday. I pray that the families of the victims, as well as the families of the survivors, will take solace in knowing that "baby boomers" will long remember the tragedy. I, as well as other 1946-born children, will not forget the children who perished that day. There are many of us who still believe in the Catholic school system that grew our roots so we could spread our wings to soar like eagles. The angels of OLA are soaring above us and watch over us so that we may complete our mission to spread the good news of Catholic education. It will ever be the BEST!!!

Posted by: Debbie Sierminski On: 11/30/2008 ID: 413
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No After n/a
I am writing to express my concern and my prayers on the 50th anniversary of this tragic fire. I am also writing in the remembrance of my grandfather and uncles, all Chicago firefighters who responded to OLA on December 1, 1958. I was not even born yet, my Mom was only 13 at the time of the fire but through the stories and memories of my family I feel the pain of that day.

The students and staff of OLA along with all who tried to save them will always remain in my heart and in my prayers.

Posted by: Leon On: 11/30/2008 ID: 412
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Exeter NH
I was ll years old and in 7th grade at a brand new school that had just opened 2 months before. We had an old AM radio in our kitchen and I would listen to it before dinner. Around 6 pm Eastern time, news reports started coming in about the school fire in Chicago. I remember turning on the TV news that night and it was already a major story and continued to be a huge story for the entire week. The films of workers in the morgue calling out for the parents of dead children to identify them were shocking and horrifying. I don't think I slept for the next 2 nights thinking about all the deaths and devastation and wondering if my new school could burn like that even though it was concrete and had the latest in fire alarms and was only one story tall.
The story of that fire has remained with me all these years. As terrible as it was, I think it should be memorialized every year on the anniversary because people should never forget about what can happen.

Posted by: Barb On: 11/30/2008 ID: 411
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Berwyn
I remember December 1, 1958 as though it was yesterday. I was ten years old living in Berwyn IL. I came home from school that day and my Mom was crying. She hugged me tighter than she ever had before and I kept asking "What's wrong Mommy?" Before she could even answer my Dad came home from work and he was crying too. I'd never seen my Dad cry before so I was scared. They told me what was happening at OLA and it made me so sad. We all just held each other and cried for what seemed like hours.
The angels cried that day, Chicago wept and an entire nation mourned. Peace be with you all.

Posted by: Laurie On: 11/30/2008 ID: 410
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No After n/a
I have known about this story since about the time I was 6 years old. I am 47 now...my oldest sister was a baby in an apartment near the school. My parents have told me of this story time and time again as the smoke from the fire was so bad, my parents had to grab my sister, then a baby and evacuate. I was very touched by the photos of all these helpless children and how scared they must have been. In today's newspaper the Tribune put a face to the story I have always known in my head based on what my parents told me but have never seen on paper. My sympathy goes out to all parents who lost their precious child in this awful fire.

Posted by: JoAnn On: 11/30/2008 ID: 409
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before 2119 West Ohio
I was 8 years old at the time the fire. I had a special friend that died in the fire. Her name was Beverly Burda. She lived next door to my godmother Rose. We had alot of fun together. My mother always took me over by my godmother and I always went next door to play with Beverly. She was a very special person and is missed deeply by alot of people. Even though I was younger than Beverly, we got along and had good times. I still to this day can remember her house. I would like to know where Beverly is laid to rest. Please e-mail me at joann1106@comcast.net.JoAnn Cozzi

Posted by: joanied On: 11/30/2008 ID: 408
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Massillon, Ohio
I was a fourth grader on December 1, 1958. I remember visiting my grandmother that evening and seeing the reports of the Our Lady of the Angels tragedy on television. My mother's youngest sister still lived with their mother and I can remember my mother trying to calm her so that she would not upset me. I remember hearing that the fire started at the bottom of a stair well and that children on the upper floor of the school were trapped. At that time I was in a first-floor classroom, as I would be in fifth grade. The sixth grade in my school was housed on the third floor, however, and at the end of a side hallway, farthest from the stairs. The night before I was to enter sixth grade I was awake all night thinking about the OLA fire and how the students were trapped at the top of the stairs. All that year whenever we had a fire drill or if the smell of smoke was in the air, my heart would pound and I was very frightened. Every time the reflection from a car driving by the school bounced off one of our classroom walls, I thought it was flames outside our classroom door. I don't remember sharing these fears with anyone. I just kept them inside. Over time the fear went away, but still I was relieved years later on a visit home to see that outside fire escapes had been added to the third-floor side halls of my old school. Now that I am a teacher, I always think about the safety of my students and how I would help them escape danger in our building should that disaster ever befall us. This past summer thoughts of OLA started coming back to me, and I found the OLA site on the web. I have read the books about the fire and watched the documentary. I follow the recollections and messages on this site, as well. Today, especially, all of you who have suffered (and continue to) in any way because of the fire are in my prayers. God bless you and give you peace on this terrible anniversary.