I was not born quite yet, but my Father, was a suburban fire-fighter volunteer at this time. I remember years later, this tragedy was still very much spoken about, and it was within the last 10 years, that I followed stories, websites, and TV reports about OLA. My own parents were around 29-30 years old at the time, and have since passed away. I've often visited the OLA website, to look at the names of those that perished, or have survived, and read as much as I can...to gain knowledge of that terrible day. Schools, institutions, as well as many buildings, both public and private, have had to comply with many revised building-codes, and fire-safety codes. I couldn't imagine what it must have been like, with no sprinklers, or fire suppression systems in that school at all, in that era. My heart, my thoughts, and my prayers go out to the many families that were impacted by this terrible fire.