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Our Lady of the Angels (OLA) School Fire, December 1, 1958

Personal Experiences with Our Lady of the Angels School Fire

If you have a personal experience, recollection or opinion about the December 1, 1958 Our Lady of the Angels school fire, whether you were present at the fire or not, you can relate it here. Any story or information is welcome as long as it relates to Our Lady of the Angels school fire.
Click here to add your OLA fire experience.        

Posted by: Gerrie Campbell On: 12/29/2009 ID: 505
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Chicago, IL
I was 15 years old in December of 1958 attending Notre Dame High School in Chicago. I had always gone to Catholic school & felt a real connection with the innocence who died in the Our Lady of Angels fire. The following spring my mother & I went to a religious goods store on State Street to purchase some materials for a project that the nuns who taught at my grammar school, St Fredinand's, needed. My mother always worked to help the nuns who taught me in school. I was busy looking for a particular medal for myself that day. My mother came rushing toward me and pulled me aside warning me to stay close to her. She noticed that a couple who were in the store were paying particular attention to me. Mom always worried about someone harming me. I assured her I was fine and begged her not to be so paranoid. When she finished her search, we went to the counter to pay for our selections. The two men behind the counter gasped and grabbed each other as if in shock & babbling "My God, she does look like her!" Mom pushed me behind her and asked them what was wrong. They told her that a couple had just been in the store, the one that mom was worried about, and shared a picture with them of their young daughter who had died in the AOL fire. They swore that I was a double for their lost daughter. Seeing me there opened a wound in their hearts that had had little time to heal. Upon learning this, Mom began to cry. All I could think about was that I wish I could have met them and in some way helped them with their grief. I have never forgotten the fire or that day at the religious goods store. The years have pushed on but some memories never go away. I send my unending prayers and tears to all those who lost so much that day.

Posted by: Cathy On: 12/26/2009 ID: 504
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Chicago - East Lake View neighborhood
I was three years old in December 1958. My brother was in first grade at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School on West Belmont in Chicago. As I grew older, I learned that my parents transferred my brother from Mount Carmel to Nettlehorst, the public school in our neighborhood after first grade, because of the OLA School Fire and what my Protestant father called a cover up and lack of concern of the Archdiocese of Chicago for the safety of the children under its watch. 50+ years later and my father's opinion has been proven to be on the mark once again. Why must children always be the victim of adult arrogance and blindness? Why must power always corrupt absolutely?

Posted by: Claudia On: 12/25/2009 ID: 503
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before West Los Angeles
I was one year younger than Michele McBride when the fire happened. I remember reading in the L.A. Times about children jumping out of windows and that some had burned to death. This news story was shocking to me, how this horrible fate could befall children, like myself. Then one day I was visiting the San Antonio Central Library, when I saw Michele's book; "The Fire That Will Not Die" and bought it for something like 50 cents (book sale) Being a really big bookworm, with hundreds of books, and more always coming into my personal library, THIS ONE has become very precious to me, and Michele very dear to my heart. I feel certain Michele and all the others are in heaven now,enjoying eternal bliss with the Savior, in that land where there is no more pain, sorrow or crying. Michele passed over to the other side of eternity on 7/4/2001...independence day ! and never had to witness 9/11/2001.

Posted by: Jennifer Harris On: 12/24/2009 ID: 502
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No After n/a
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
I hope a Higher Power punished the arsonist,that took all those Angels too soon away from us.You Can do anything,Lord! Why didn't you do anything to stop this fire!You could've stopped the arsonist from making the schoolchildren Angels too soon,lord! in your songs for Christmas,It talks about how you are worth and devine you are. You didn't stop last Christmas Eve's Massacre/Fire,Lord! ,You could've stopped that,too! I felt sorry for Susan Smaldone and all the other Angels that went too soon. and before Christmas,too.

Posted by: Judy On: 12/18/2009 ID: 501
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Los Angeles
At the time of this fire, I was a 7th grader attending a Catholic elementary school. I watched all of the footage on television. It had such an impact on me. At our school many changes were made to ensure that the same wouldn't happen at our school. Besides numerous fire drills, they put in fire doors at the top of the stairs. We were made aware of all safety rules to prepare us. I have never forgotten the students, and teachers who perished in the fire. I also have never forgotten the families that have had to live with that memory over 50 years now. I occasionally download the website to relive the memory. Those who are responsible for keeping this memory alive have done a remarkable job.

Posted by: Jennifer Harris On: 12/13/2009 ID: 500
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No After n/a
I went to grand Blanc Schools. There was a Catholic School called Holy Family. 51 Years. It was on my brother's birthday,too. He's 31 years old. I feel sorry for the 92 children and 3 nuns who died,I think the arsonist should be horsewhipped for setting his school on fire. A higher power punished him if the police can't.My Your Ride stopped off at St.Thomas Moore Academy,a Catholic School,I asked the 2 boys about OLA,and they never hears of the OLA Fire of 1958,It's not in the history books.

Posted by: Sanks On: 12/8/2009 ID: 499
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No After n/a
Does anybody know how many kids from Our lady of Angels went to Our lady of Grace on 2446 N Ridgeway while OLA was being rebuilt? My Grandparents sent 11 children to OLG and 8 graduated from OLG. My Grandparents were at St. Anne's hospital on the day of the fire and watched them bring some of the victims in. My Grandmother was very upset by what she saw that day. They were at St. Anne's with my my Aunt Pat her daughter Laura was sick that day. This was such an awfull event. May our lord and blessed mother always look after the victims families.

Posted by: Ralph Moses On: 12/5/2009 ID: 498
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Chicago north side (Rogers park)
I was just four years old on that terrible day, but the OLA fire had a profound affect on me. It is the first news story that I remember hearing about and seeing. I can still remember the innocent victims being carried down the ladders by the grief-stricken fire fighters. I can recall seeing pictures of the burned and scarred survivors in the hospitals. The city and indeed the nation was in shock and mourning for days after. As young as I was, the images of those children--suffering, dying, and dead--has stayed with me throughout my life. I am of the Jewish faith and when I say Kaddish, the prayer for the dead, at this time of year, I vividly recall that day long ago in my own childhood when 92 Catholic children became "angels too soon."

Posted by: LaurenP On: 12/1/2009 ID: 497
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No After n/a

Today, on the 51st anniversary of the OLA fire, I am only 26 years old. Therefore I was not alive on the day of the fire, and nor was my father for that matter. However, ever since I first heard the story of the fire and read "To Sleep With the Angels" for the first time, I have felt connection to and fascination with this story that I can't explain. My grandmother did grow up in the OLA parish, having graduated high school years before the fire and my great-grandparents were parishioners at OLA at the time of the fire (they resided on North Kildare Ave.) Long gone, I would love to have heard their stories of what happened that day. Still, I pray for those lost in the fire, those who survived the fire and those affected by the loss and injury of loved ones in the fire.

Posted by: Flo Brady Stanton On: 12/1/2009 ID: 496
At OLA on 12/1/58? Born before or after 12/1/58? Where Lived on 12/1/58?
No Before Chicago
December 1, 1958... "The Day Santa Cried." That was the caption under the newspaper's picture of a drawing of Santa's face posted on a display board in one of the classrooms in Our Lady of the Angels School. What was once a child's vision of Santa was now, after the fire, a reflection of the horror of the day. The picture of the otherwise intact drawing showed long, black streaks under Santa's eyes that ran down the length of his face. They were tears as real as I and so many others shed with the unimaginable loss of lives and injuries due to the fire.

I was 15 years old and a sophomore at Mother McAuley High School located on the far South Side of Chicago. I don't remember hearing of the fire before I left school that day. I do remember walking into my home and finding my mother and grandmother crying in disbelief as they sat in front of the television. I couldn't begin to comprehend what they were watching. I hugged my three siblings who were safely home from "grammar" school and cried for the children (having no idea how many) who would never make it home. My youngest sibling turned four that day. How bittersweet singing "Happy Birthday" knowing there were families (having no idea how many) who would never again celebrate their children's birthdays. To learn 92 children and three nuns died as a result of the fire is but another senseless tragedy only made bearable by faith.

A few years ago I read the book, To Sleep with the Angels, given to me by my best friend who graduated from St. Anne's School of Nursing in 1964. She had heard stories of what it was like at the hospital the day of the fire and the credit it received for the handling of a disaster of such proportion. My heart broke for the victims, their families, and all who were involved in this catastrophic, life-changing event.

The Our Lady of the Angels School fire occurred 51 years ago today... my little brother turns 55. Last week, during a discussion about the book, I went online and was amazed to find this site. I stayed up for hours reading many of the personal recollections and all of those who had been enrolled in the school at the time of the fire. Please know that you are in my prayers and I am so sorry that you have lived in a generation that was not to discuss the fire and all its pain and grief. And to be told, "God takes the good ones," though unintentional, was but another injustice to you and your classmates who survived the fire. For those of you who struggle with the toll it has taken on you, it's not too late to seek help. You were meant to live... it's time to do just that.

Flo Stanton